Labor Day Relaxing Cartoon


Labor Day Relaxing Cartoon

Today is labor Day in America. Labor Day is celebrated the first Monday of September and was first created as a Federal Holiday in 1882. This means all Government offices are closed in observance of deaths of Government workers at the hands of the U.S. Military. For the rest of us, it’s one of the dozen or so National Holidays we get to take off of work and relax at home, trying very hard to do nothing. For me, it means I get another entire day to work on cartoon for you.

And as a side note, something deep inside my psyche equates a lush, green, back yard and a man relaxing in a hammock with the ultimate day off. I discovered another post along the same lines here.

And another close one, for Memorial Day Holiday:

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This funny cartoon shows 2 children hoisting a giant beer to their father who relaxes in a red hammock. An empty beer bottle is nearby.

Inspiration: inspired by today's National Holiday - Labor Day, relaxing in a hammock in the back yard, and child labor.

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