New USDA Food Plate Pyramid Replacement


New USDA Food Plate Pyramid Replacement

The USDA just announced the replacement of the Food pyramid we’ve all come to know and love for so many years. Michelle Obama is a huge supporter for healthier eating habits for Americans and was there to push the new FOOD PLATE (MyPlate) on America this week. Above is my cartoon version of the cartoon Myplate , and below is the real new myplate food pyramid replacement.

The Spoof cartoon MyPlate features Snacks, Burgers, Pizza, Pie and Soda…what’s in nearly every American daily diet.

The USDA Site is here.


And here’s the original food pyramid introduced in 1992 by the USDA, and replaced last week.


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Inspiration: A daily cartoon on the subject of the new American food pyramid. THe Myplate replaces the traditional food pyramid.

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