Osama Bin Ladin Did it

osamabinladen did it

“MR. BIN LADIN, SIR…a little boy at a
shopping mall in Wisconsin is throwing a temper tantrum. do you wish to claim responsibility?”


Did you hear? Bin Laden claims Christmas terror attempt in new tape.

Read the full story in USA TODAY here.

If it’s not obvious, Osama Bin Ladin and cronies, still hiding out in caves, claiming responsibility for things they couldn’t have. BTW, does anyone REALLY think Bin Ladin is still alive? Anyway, good cartoon fodder.

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To show the ridiculousness of Osama Bin Ladin claiming responsibility for anything he can.

Inspiration: The amusing story that Osama Bin Ladin is still alive and claiming responsibility for the Undie Bomber on Christmas

Time: 60 minutes

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